Saturday, June 9, 2012



There is no one way to think, however there is a balanced way to use your brain. Most of us use both sides of our brains fairly equally – and thankfully so.  Our western society values the abilities of the left side of the brain. Those with less than lineal, sequential, detail-oriented thinking are often deemed less capable.

I think it is wise to keep both hemispheres fired up as often as possible. The benefits are many: Better problem solving skills, greater creativity, ability to see the big picture as well as the details. Yes balanced thinkers have the ability to accomplish many, many tasks.

If you are wondering which side of the brain you use the most, you can take this simple (non-scientific) quiz. It’s also available on under the CREATIVITY tab.

I find that I function most often in the left brain mode, but I suspect that I have been conditioned that way. I am happiest, however, when I am in right brain mode because typical limitations don’t exist for me there. So what’s the difference, you ask?

The left hemisphere is where the Ego lives. Ego is a great thing when you have a healthy, strong one. But most of us have a few ego challenges. Our ego likes to keep up a steady brain chatter leaving you little quiet time to just think. Now, if your ego is healthy then the chatter can be beneficial while you’re doing left brain activities. It can help you stay on task and make sure you are doing things in the proper sequence. But if your ego is like mine, and thousands of others, your ego is a pretty tough task master. Rather like the school yard bully – pointing out all the things that you are doing wrong and doing very little to support you when you need it most.

On the other hand, your right hemisphere has no judgment. It’s rather like the flower child of the 60s. It seeks freedom from structure and finds harmony in everything it does. Yes, the right brain is your inner hippy –Your right brain knows your purpose and your value and doesn’t hesitate to tell you. It is the nature of the right brain to be totally accepting, completely free of judgments and expectations which in turn creates a feeling of deep peace and contentment.

Which one do you want to listen to most often?

Keep reading because I’m going to share a technique to get your right-brain-inner-creativity into action. It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s pretty powerful stuff if you stay with it.

Ready to flex your creative muscles?

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