Friday, January 20, 2012

Today's Creation

You are infinitely powerful
You are full of life
You have unexplored depths
Like the tides, you have a natural ebb and flow
You are Source . . .

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Only Adventure that Matters

Adventure isn’t so much about what you do or where you are going, adventure is about the attitude you bring to the everyday with.

Eight little letters that can change your world . . .

Adventure is an attitude of joy and willingness to seek the unknown with confidence that whatever happens can be handled. To embrace and stay focused on the journey yet be willing to let go and change directions as needed; To question status quo and seek alternate perspectives; To risk being wrong; To view failure as a beginning and not an end.

An adventurous mind seeks, questions and is willing to go where it has never gone before – so I constantly ask myself – “where is my discomfort?”, because that is usually my next step. If you ask yourself the same question, where you will go next ?  

PS – it’s perfectly O.K. to recognize where you need to go next and not take action. Sometimes it needs to percolate with your other thoughts for a while.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dad . . .

Photo composition by Jason Packard

I’m not sure what to write about today – my mind keeps drifting back to my dad – he died 36 years ago this Monday, January 9th,  and 36 years ago we were keeping vigil in the hospital hoping against all hope that he would survive and stay with us longer. He didn’t. I was devastated. I was lost. I was angry, and I was in a free fall – the first true free fall of my life. He died my parent; we were just starting to become friends – we were just starting to see each other as ‘real’ people.

I’ve missed him every single day of my life – but in an odd way, his death was the first stage of my emotional birth. He was a force larger than life. His pedestal was way out of my league, but everything I did was shrouded by what Dad would think. Sometimes I relished rebelling and shocking him. Sometimes I basked in his appreciation. Always, what I did was measured against the man.

After the shock and deep grief subsided I realized for the first time in my life that I was going to have to do things according to what I wanted…there was no one but me to impress, rebel against, or appreciate. I didn’t have a clue to how to begin to live my life for me – just me. I hadn’t had time to practice ‘me’.

Ironically, I don’t ever remember him being a mentor – making suggestions or giving advice. But truthfully, I might have trained him quite early that I don’t accept advice or help – his favorite story was of my 2 year old self refusing assistance demanding in no uncertain terms “I do it myself!” I’d like to think that we are much alike, this giant and me – we’ve just traveled different roads.

So the bitter sweet thoughts of my Dad are: “Thanks for moving over and letting me find my voice and my own truth – but damn. Dad….I sure would have loved to have you around longer”. Of course, I do realize that he is here with me, right now and always has been so I’ll reframe that and say: ”Here’s to you Dad, thanks for everything.”

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh, The Places You'll Go. . .

I used to be ruled by fear. I longed to be adventurous, but I couldn’t get out of my own way.  When that old familiar feeling in my gut was activated, I froze….I let it control and define me. 

This New Year’s weekend I had that old familiar feeling: stomach churning, shallow breathing, a million trips to the bathroom feeling, and I realized that I was not only enjoying it, I was welcoming it. Happy New Year!!

What a revelation. I was heading into unknown and unfamiliar territory and I felt the same physical feelings of fear that always held me back, but this time I identified it as excitement – something to run toward rather than away from.

This was proof that I didn’t need to eliminate fear from my life, I just needed to change my relationship with it when it came a-callin’. Several of you have labeled me courageous or a can-do woman who won’t let anything stop her, and initially I’m surprised and really tickled by that until I realize that, for the most part, it’s true these days.

What you don’t know and don’t see is that I still have my processes to go through. While I’m much more spontaneous and willing to try new things, I still have this “Oh crap, what am I doing?” stage that kicks in. That is fear, pure and simple, isn't it? So, I acknowledge it, determine what needs to happen for me to go forward as easily as possible (and yes, sometimes that is to jump blindly off the cliff with only faith as my companion). Once I decided that fear could be a benchmark of moving in the right direction (toward freedom and adventure), I found ways to coexist with the feeling.

Practice does make perfect – I’ve welcomed fear into my life as a friend and guide. I have embraced it, I actually look for it in chunk-sized pieces that I can manage. I know how to tell the difference between real fear that should be heeded and my ego-driven fear that should be ignored or redirected. The sense of freedom is more powerful than I ever imagined.

If you were to change your relationship with fear – what would you be doing today? Right now, think about what that next step would look like. When you sit down to journal today,  think about what fears are holding you back –begin with these words: What I know to be true about fear today…..then just trust what comes forward.

Oh the places you’ll go…