Sunday, February 6, 2011

Limbo is Only Good if it’s a dance

OK I admit it, I feel like I’m in limbo - standing in the doorway, outside, just waiting to go in….a bit stuck in today’s reality. So I started wondering just what is reality really? It is, of course exactly what we make it, so why am I making mine feel so stuck?

Yes, I went on adventure the other day – traveling roads I’ve traveled many times before, but with a new perspective – but it didn’t really work. Gone were the excitement and the expectation of new. So I have to ask myself, why am I accepting this right now? Not sure, but currently it feels like I can’t go forward until I actually move. WRONG. I must find a way to create sparkle and vibrancy for the next 6 weeks – a life of freedom is a precious thing.

I have lots of projects waiting for me – things that I can do that will up my energy quotient…so maybe it’s time to get into my craft room and start rummaging through my supplies – maybe the excitement isn’t without, but within. Maybe my instincts are spot on after all…

1 comment:

  1. I'm stuck too! In limbo. Feeling like I don't know how to move forward because I don't know what I'm moving forward to. I don't want to return to my old career. I need income. I feel like I don't know how to do anything else. So I'm stuck. In a void of "what now? what do I have to offer? how do I make this work?"

    Thanks for being in limbo with me. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

    Get crafty! I'm doing a great program with Creatively Fit to exercise my right brain. Open it up to new ideas. Turn off the doubt and stress the left brain is so good at throwing my way. The creative process is so healthy!

    So create. Craft. Write. Draw. Listen to the creative side!
