It seems my personal growth has been chunked into 2 year blocks of focus…when I became so stuck that I couldn’t move, I spent two years focusing on freedom and adventure. Which led to wanting more adventure, but my fears were my limiting factors – again, two years changing my relationship with fear so that I can keep moving forward in my life. Then I had this tiny spark of creativity that I’ve spent a year nurturing and blossoming into some sort of reality and along with that has come a sense of joy and wildness. Oh to feel wild and alive!!
During a recent blog consultation to help me define or redefine the direction I am going, the conversation went something like this: “Yeah-but (me) I don’t adventure every day, I don’t Airstream everyday, I don’t sew every day I don’t even create art everyday…I’m very eclectic in my work”. Then I realized that there was a constant in my life…the one thing that I do every day is JOURNAL.
Sometimes it’s creative/artistisc journaling, sometimes it’s pages filled with rambling words, often it’s a combination of both, but it is how I begin my days. I might forget how integral journaling is to me – I might forget its power and usefulness in my personal growth…..but I never forget to journal.
I wake up 2 hours earlier than the world just to have that delicious time to myself and listen to the song in my heart. I switch up my techniques often, so it never gets dull. I get flashes of clarity so I know things are sorting themselves out quite nicely. I have learned to listen and trust my intuition.
But words, while they are my treasures, don’t often capture what is in my soul. I have discovered that some sort of visual journaling can sort things out in my subconscious even better. Draw first, listen second, and understand last.
There is nothing like the feeling of reaching way down into your soul and rummaging around to bring something out into the light. Luckily I am wise enough to focus only on what pleases me (versus what might please you enough to purchase it)…Even more luckily, you have shown me time and time again through emails, comments and your check book that journaling and creativity are the most important to you as well.
All of this is my way of saying that this blog will remain eclectic and you will never know what you’ll find here. But at this time, creative journaling is my focus and passion and I am reveling in letting my wild heart have a turn….
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